What Do Donuts Mean In a Dream?

What Do Donuts Mean In a Dream?

What does it mean if there’s one donut or many donuts in the dream? What do different types of donuts mean? What if there aren’t different types of donuts in the dream, what if there’s only one type in your dream, say glazed? Understanding what the donuts in your dream mean starts with asking yourself,…

What Does a Dream About a Video Game Mean?

What Does a Dream About a Video Game Mean?

Success at video games often calls for strategy. Strategy is often an underappreciated benefit of dream journaling. Many artists over the years have taken inspiration from their dreams. They’ve found a way to express themselves within their dreams. Their dreamlens provides a focus for the emotions and experiences within them. Less appreciated, however, is the…

What Does a Dream About Cancer Mean?

What Does a Dream About Cancer Mean?

Cancer is a devastating disease that creates a lot of fear and confusion, not just for those diagnosed but also for their family members. It’s a disease featuring the unchecked growth of a tumor or cancer cells in a part of the body. The effects of the tumor or tumors soak up a great deal…

What Does Your Car Being Stolen In a Dream Mean?

What Does Your Car Being Stolen In a Dream Mean?

Outside of a house, a car is the most valuable possession many people own. Consequently, for most people, the theft of a car in a dream represents the loss of something valuable. The loss of the car in a dream can evoke despair or feelings you’ve got to make adjustments within the dream. As with…

What’s the Best Way For a Christian To Interpret His Or Her Dreams?

What’s the Best Way For a Christian To Interpret His Or Her Dreams?

Dreams are an offshoot of the conscious mind. Well, usually, it seems that way. After one keeps a dream journal for a couple of months, it’s obvious. Day-to-day life inspires dreams. Some dreams are replays of your daily life. Others are full of symbolism, reflecting the issues you’re contending with. Sometimes your subconscious is urging…

You Really Can’t Foretell the Future In Your Dreams, But You Can Do This

You Really Can’t Foretell the Future In Your Dreams, But You Can Do This

—Oneiromancy—the idea you can foretell the future in dreams—doesn’t work, and you shouldn’t ever trust it. Foretelling the future through dreams isn’t accurate enough. It will lead you down the wrong road and have you making foolish decisions. Doubt this? Look at the record for prophets foretelling the end of the world. Lots of predicting…

How To Interpret Dreams For Yourself As Easily As Possible

How To Interpret Dreams For Yourself As Easily As Possible

Interpret the dream, and you’ll understand if it has a spiritual meaning. Put away the dream dictionaries, close the browser window with the dream interpretation website, and forget about sending that e-mail to a psychic to help you get at the meaning of that weird dream. None of those methods work well, even if the…

What Does It Mean When You Have Vivid Dreams?

What Does It Mean When You Have Vivid Dreams?

There are dreams, and then there are DREAMS!! Some dreams are dim and poorly remembered; others are very vivid.  When a dream is vivid, it feels like it’s happening in real-time.  While events in the dream aren’t always realistic, vividness makes them feel very real. When they feel real, it can be unsettling. Where do…

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