Key Lessons From “The Miracle Morning” Book Series

It makes sense to put some thought into how you’re going to get the most you can out of your morning.

The rest of the day might be disjointed and busy. Or it might not be. But the morning can usually give you uninterrupted time to concentrate on getting the things done that matter most to you. Most other people sleep in. Or they’re busy doing their own thing, concentrating on something else.

The problem is getting up early enough. It can be hard to do. You’ve got to sleep enough. If you’re don’t, you’re going to be tired throughout the day.

The Miracle Morning book series was written to help people adopt good habits in this area. Having a plan for the morning “closes the circle” on a successful night.

Hal Elrod

Starting with the original book, author Hal Elrod has expanded the concept to editions for entrepreneurs, real estate agents, writers, college students, parents and families, wanna-be millionaires, network marketers, and salespeople. There’s also a journal and planner, too. From the publication of the first one in 2012, Elrod has sold millions of copies of his books and started a small industry.

Core suggestions

The core suggestions of the books in the series are sound. Elrod recommends setting your intentions for the day on the night before. Then, set your alarm clock far away from your bed so you can’t easily snooze it. Don’t use your phone to wake you up because it’s harder to build a consistent habit. Having the phone handy could also lead to you scanning your news feed. This will leave your brain agitated and your body still asleep.

Find a useful activity to do the first thing that doesn’t require a lot of concentration. One that’s suggested is brushing your teeth.

Also, be sure to drink enough water.


Miracle Morning’s suggestions revolve around the acronym SAVERS.


This is a period of silence where you meditate or pray can help you increase awareness of your goals and motivations.


Say positive affirmations because you don’t always get to hear anything positive during your day.


Envision the person you want to be along with the changes you need to undergo. See yourself doing daily routines and enjoying the process.


Physical fitness should be part of your routine. You can stretch, do cardio, or strength-building exercises. Find a type (or, better yet, types) you enjoy.


Elrod recommends that you read for 15-30 minutes each day.

What you choose to read should have a purpose beyond mere reading. Read something useful. Before you start a new book, anticipate what you’ll get out of it. Read what you want to read, not necessarily what you’re supposed to read.


Pluck your thoughts and ideas and try to make sense of them in writing. By writing, you’re making your thoughts into something material.

This is the morning cornerstone that fits in well with dream journaling. By writing and understanding the meaning of your dreams, you can gain perspective on your life and goals.

The morning is the cornerstone of the day. It makes sense to make it intentional.

Also on the blog:

Build your daily routine around zeitgebers.


James Cobb, RN, MSN, is the editor and founder of the Dream Recovery System—a top sleep blog, according to Feedspot. 

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