What To Do When the Dream Record Doesn’t Make Any Sense

What To Do When the Dream Record Doesn’t Make Any Sense

Big family all gathered around in a circle. Price for experience—not available. Too many people. Not right.   So you’ve dutifully written down what your dream was about and went back to sleep. Upon rising later, what you’ve written doesn’t make any sense. You recognize the words, but they don’t make sense. They don’t jog…

Ashamed Of Your Subconscious Thoughts?

Ashamed Of Your Subconscious Thoughts?

Getting to know yourself through reflection and dream journaling can be painful. We all have an ideal, a belief about who we are. Our ideal self does certain things. Our ideal self thinks certain things. This ideal breaks down. I shouldn’t go around thinking about chocolate chip cookies all the time. You’re a little out…

What’s the Two-Pillow Earbud Sleeping Trick?

What’s the Two-Pillow Earbud Sleeping Trick?

How you can fall asleep faster—and without any medication—by using the Two-Pillow Ear Bud Sleeping Trick. Most people are side sleepers, upwards of 80 percent. Chances you are too. As side sleepers, they’re more comfortable sleeping mostly on their sides. This makes listening to sleep music, binaural beats, or sleeping sounds with your typical earbud…

Good vs. Bad Voices In the Head

Good vs. Bad Voices In the Head

A child of seventeen—a girl—country bred—untaught—ignorant of war, the use of arms, and the conduct of battles—modest, gentle, shrinking—yet throws away her shepherd’s crook and clothes herself in steel, and fights her way through a hundred and fifty of hostile territory, never losing heart or hope and never showing fear and comes—she to whom a…

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