Good vs. Bad Voices In the Head

Good vs. Bad Voices In the Head

A child of seventeen—a girl—country bred—untaught—ignorant of war, the use of arms, and the conduct of battles—modest, gentle, shrinking—yet throws away her shepherd’s crook and clothes herself in steel, and fights her way through a hundred and fifty of hostile territory, never losing heart or hope and never showing fear and comes—she to whom a…

How To Increase Dopamine Levels Naturally

How To Increase Dopamine Levels Naturally

Dopamine is a drug that you make for yourself. Have you ever noticed how talking and joking with friends makes you feel happy? How about when you’ve been inspired and whip up something tasty in the kitchen? Have you ever taken a walk in nice weather and been happy that you got outdoors? You’ve taken…

AC Broke? How To Best Sleep Without It

AC Broke? How To Best Sleep Without It

When your AC calls it quits during the summer, getting a good night’s sleep can seem impossible. Fear not. We’ve got you covered with tips on how to catch some Z’s when your AC is broken. From creating a DIY cooling system to optimizing your sleeping environment, we’ll show you how to beat the heat…

Gotu Kola: Benefits, Uses, and More

Gotu Kola: Benefits, Uses, and More

For centuries, gotu kola has been a superstar in traditional medicine. It’s like an herbal superhero, swooping in to save the day with mental clarity and memory improvement powers. And if it were an herbal superhero, it would have more powers than just greater mental clarity and memory improvement. It’s also noted to be good…

A Way To Find a Good, Free Sleep Course

A Way To Find a Good, Free Sleep Course

Almost every job in every industry seems to come with requirements to complete training in an LMS at least every year. They’re not often considered to be an employee benefit. They are. Many LMSes offer a free sleep course. LMSes—which are “Learning Management Systems—are cloud-based software packages focused on employee training. They can cover a…

Unlocking Your Power: 8 Benefits of Shadow Work (with Prompts)

Unlocking Your Power: 8 Benefits of Shadow Work (with Prompts)

Discover the understanding and essential part of self-growth by embracing your shadow self. Uncover hidden aspects of your personality. Explore the power of shadow work, and experience transformative healing and personal development. Shadow work is a practice that delves into the depths of our psyche, shedding light on the parts we often ignore or suppress.…

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