How To Understand Your Prophetic Dream

How To Understand Your Prophetic Dream

Can your dreams foretell the future? If they can, how do you know when a dream is prophetic or precognitive—or just a reflection of your subconscious thoughts? Why would prophetic dreams be limited to St. Joseph, Edgar Cayce, and a few special other people? Why couldn’t you and I have prophetic dreams too? Great questions!…

Can One Uncomfortable Night Stop You From Dreaming?

Can One Uncomfortable Night Stop You From Dreaming?

Q: As of last week, I used to dream every night, sometimes having several dreams in the night. Last week I spent a night in a terrible hotel. The bed was lumpy and the room was noisy. I also got sick from dinner. Since then, I’ve stopped dreaming. I don’t remember any dreams when I…

How To Really Benefit From a Rehearsal Dream

How To Really Benefit From a Rehearsal Dream

There’s a type of dream where you might not even realize that you’re dreaming when you have it—the rehearsal dream.  You just might think of the dream as “just thinking about something.”  It could be a meeting, a presentation, or a conversation you know you’ve got to have with someone. Be careful. Even if the…

Aha Moments After You Wake Up

Aha Moments After You Wake Up

Sometimes dreams will give you vague pictures and a rough outline that something’s going on. What exactly is going on? No idea. Something. You wake up. Minutes later,  you have an idea. You come to a new understanding. Pieces snap together. Not a dream Technically, that’s not a dream. You’re in none of the stages…

Map Of the Most Common Dream In Every Country

Map Of the Most Common Dream In Every Country

In this map from Reddit, lots of people in countries in the English-speaking world dream about their teeth falling out. In the rest, dreams about snakes are common. Pregnancy, too. For some countries, you’ve just got to wonder: what is it about a country that makes a dream subject so common? Undoubtedly, it’s having certain…

There Are No Shortcuts To Dream Interpretation

There Are No Shortcuts To Dream Interpretation

Want a picture? Type a few guidelines in a field. An artificial intelligence (AI) can draw it for you. How about a story? Same thing. Put in a few guidelines. AI will tell you one. Many times, AI output is pretty good, useful even. Just how lazy artificial intelligence makes people remains to be seen.…

Is Lucid Dreaming A Sin?

Is Lucid Dreaming A Sin?

To understand whether lucid dreaming is a sin, it helps to first understand what is meant by “sin.” To “sin” means to violate the law of God. It can also refer to the state of human nature where one is estranged from God. When you sin, you’re acting in a way God doesn’t approve of.…

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