Why Keep a Dream Journal?

Why Keep a Dream Journal?

Everyone should have a dream journal. And they should use it, too. If they did, it could help them learn more about themselves, boost creativity, and solve problems. Keeping one is like going on a cool adventure in your own mind every night! Write down your dreams. You might see patterns or themes that mean…

Put a Series of Dreams Together to Understand What’s Going On

Put a Series of Dreams Together to Understand What’s Going On

Superficially considered, the dreams don’t necessarily relate to each other. One dream, say, might be about some birds. Another dream might be about swimming at a beach. The themes of the dreams, however, are related. And there’s a lesson for you in how your subconscious expresses the dream. 

What Are Possible Meanings For Dreams About Car Accidents?

What Are Possible Meanings For Dreams About Car Accidents?

Most people don’t have precognitive dreams. They may reel off an accurate prediction now and then, but that’s more of a question of getting lucky. It’s not useful if it’s not consistent. That doesn’t mean one can’t put two situations together and determine a likely result. That’s not the same thing as being able to…

The Gist Of a Dream Is More Important Than Any Single Detail

The Gist Of a Dream Is More Important Than Any Single Detail

Sometimes you’ll draw a blank when you wake up and try remembering what you were dreaming about. Maybe you were woken suddenly and the memory of the dream shatters. Maybe the details were simply dim. Whatever the reason, you know you were dreaming and you’re coming blank. You might only be left with a memory…

How To Dream More

How To Dream More

When I was in school there was this kid, Dave. He remembered all of his dreams, so he said. They’d be crazy. They’d have monsters in them, people with no faces, and talking ducks. Every so often he’d keep us entertained before school and at recess with his tales from the night before. Sometimes his…

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