Good vs. Bad Voices In the Head

Good vs. Bad Voices In the Head

A child of seventeen—a girl—country bred—untaught—ignorant of war, the use of arms, and the conduct of battles—modest, gentle, shrinking—yet throws away her shepherd’s crook and clothes herself in steel, and fights her way through a hundred and fifty of hostile territory, never losing heart or hope and never showing fear and comes—she to whom a…

Personal Loyalty Program: Should You Start One?

Personal Loyalty Program: Should You Start One?

Buy 10 drinks, your 11th is free. Stay five nights, your sixth is free. Accumulate 10,000 points by flying, shopping, and bonuses, and you get a free flight. All kinds of businesses have customer loyalty programs. Should you make a personal loyalty program where you reward yourself for being loyal to yourself? Almost every business…

If You Remember Your Dreams, You Don’t Need Drugs

If You Remember Your Dreams, You Don’t Need Drugs

One common reason people take narcotics and hallucinogens is to “relax” and “chill out.” They want to take the edge off of the hardness of life. The dangers and disadvantages of those often-illegal drugs are well known. Who hasn’t heard of overdoses, the lost families, the problems that they cause? Why in Hell would anyone…

How To Understand Your Prophetic Dream

How To Understand Your Prophetic Dream

Can your dreams foretell the future? If they can, how do you know when a dream is prophetic or precognitive—or just a reflection of your subconscious thoughts? Why would prophetic dreams be limited to St. Joseph, Edgar Cayce, and a few special other people? Why couldn’t you and I have prophetic dreams too? Great questions!…

Make Sleeping Better Your 2024 Resolution!

Make Sleeping Better Your 2024 Resolution!

Happy 2024, dear readers! It’s always popular to make New Year’s resolutions about health. Why not? It’s the most valuable thing you own if you have it. According to some surveys, more than half of the resolutions deal with aspects of health. Sleep, of course, plays a big role in overall health. Sleep and dreams…

Key Lessons From “The Miracle Morning” Book Series

Key Lessons From “The Miracle Morning” Book Series

It makes sense to put some thought into how you’re going to get the most you can out of your morning. The rest of the day might be disjointed and busy. Or it might not be. But the morning can usually give you uninterrupted time to concentrate on getting the things done that matter most…

Unlocking Your Power: 8 Benefits of Shadow Work (with Prompts)

Unlocking Your Power: 8 Benefits of Shadow Work (with Prompts)

Discover the understanding and essential part of self-growth by embracing your shadow self. Uncover hidden aspects of your personality. Explore the power of shadow work, and experience transformative healing and personal development. Shadow work is a practice that delves into the depths of our psyche, shedding light on the parts we often ignore or suppress.…

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