Can You Lose Weight While You Sleep?

Can You Lose Weight While You Sleep?

One-third of the population says they’re on a diet at any given time. Nineteen out of 20 of those individuals fail to reach their goals. What gives? Often, dieters fail to take into account the importance of sleep and exercise. Exercise can help you lose weight. It increases your metabolic rate. The body uses more…

5 Ways Vitamin C Can Help You Sleep

5 Ways Vitamin C Can Help You Sleep

Making sure you’re getting enough Vitamin C can improve your sleep. Too little “C” has been shown to result in poor mood and sleep. Pay close attention if you don’t like fruits and vegetables and have trouble sleeping! Vitamin C has several benefits for sleep that aren’t commonly known or often forgotten: Stress and anxiety…

How To Be Your Own Therapist

How To Be Your Own Therapist

Can you be your own therapist?  It’s not can. It’s more like you must be your own therapist, or at least co-therapist. Even if you can find one. There’s an acute shortage of therapists and other mental health professionals, generally speaking. Being your own therapist starts the moment after you work up the awareness and…

What’s the Best Time to Take a Shower?

What’s the Best Time to Take a Shower?

You need to shower: but when? What’s the best time? Do you really even need to shower? Let’s state this right up front. There are good reasons to take a shower. There’s a question of avoiding distracting smells, the process of washing away dirt and bacteria, and the simple fact showering feels good.  If you…

5 Reasons Why Cleaning Your Bedroom Is Important

5 Reasons Why Cleaning Your Bedroom Is Important

Not all of the reasons are related to sleep, but improved sleep is one big reason Wouldn’t it be great if living rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms straightened out themselves? Rooms never do that outside of the old Bewitched TV show or other ones with characters that are witches. That’s kind of what people are going…

What Does a Dream About Cancer Mean?

What Does a Dream About Cancer Mean?

Cancer is a devastating disease that creates a lot of fear and confusion, not just for those diagnosed but also for their family members. It’s a disease featuring the unchecked growth of a tumor or cancer cells in a part of the body. The effects of the tumor or tumors soak up a great deal…

Science Tries To Understand If There’s A Link Between Sleep and ED

Science Tries To Understand If There’s A Link Between Sleep and ED

Short sleep duration seems to burn out hormone-releasing systems in the body—but does it play a role in erectile dysfunction? Scientists made progress in understanding how short sleep duration affects the ability of men to have and maintain an erection in 2022, a literature review maintains. The picture, however, is still far from completely clear.…

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