Are You Sleep Deprived Or Just Sleepy?

Are You Sleep Deprived Or Just Sleepy?

The delicate line between sleepy and sleep deprived is thinner than a single thread. Sleep deprived implies a more sustained state of exhaustion as compared to just being plain sleepy. It’s a debate best left to the experts—and while many of them like to get into the nitty-gritty details, let’s be honest: there’s not much…

Turn Off The Tap On Night Sweats

Turn Off The Tap On Night Sweats

Clammy hands. Cold, sweaty feet. A cold, sopping pillow. The drip, drip, drip of a faucet keeping you awake is bad enough. When the dripping is coming from your head, back, and armpits into your sheets, it has to be worse. Cold night sweats have to be one of the most troubling sleeping problems there are. …

Be Your Own Coach

Be Your Own Coach

Whether it’s sleep or some other issue, roll up your sleeves, and get to work on solving it yourself first If a man or a woman has questions and they want answers, what do they do? It depends. There are several things they might do. Exactly what might depend on their personality and what resources…

Don’t Let Perfect Be The Enemy Of The Good

Don’t Let Perfect Be The Enemy Of The Good

Perfect is the enemy of “done.” Learn to say está bien and mean it! On June 13th, Arizona Diamondbacks pitcher Zack Greinke didn’t allow a single Washington National player to reach base—until the seventh inning. If he had kept every opposing player off the bases until the end of the ninth inning, it would have…

Does Learning While You Sleep Really Work?

Does Learning While You Sleep Really Work?

Sitting back with earphones while a tape or CD plays seems like an effortless way to learn. You might imagine your brain to be like a sponge or paper towel as if it would soak up information the way a kitchen sponge soaks up spills. The trouble is, learning doesn’t work that way, especially when…

Bedtime Prayer For Better Sleep

Bedtime Prayer For Better Sleep

When going to bed, people brush their teeth. They put on some loose, comfortable clothing. They tighten their bedsheets.  It’s all part of a routine in getting ready to go to bed. Rituals like these routines help one get in the mindset for sleep success.  According to a multinational 2013 survey, 50 percent of the people…

How To Be A Super Sleeper and Sleep Well Every Day

How To Be A Super Sleeper and Sleep Well Every Day

Practice makes perfect.   If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.  The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is practice.  Those are the things people say about getting good at all kinds of activities.   Individually these sayings have been applied to all kinds of sports, art, and games. Sleeping, on the other hand, is viewed as a…

How To Use Lavender For a Better Sleep

How To Use Lavender For a Better Sleep

When the day is trying you, try soaking in a tub with a lavender bath bomb while using lavender soap. Set your mind right, dry off, and head to bed. Some scents are more soothing than others. Lavender is one of those scents, along with roses, roman chamomile, and jasmine, that has been demonstrated in…

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