How To Best Journal “The Theme of the Night”

How To Best Journal “The Theme of the Night”

Sometimes something happens during the day.  Whatever it is, you can’t stop thinking about it. Or maybe you watch something on the Internet. Whatever it is, it fills your thoughts when you sleep. They’re not dreams. Oh, no. Dreams have more form and shape than these thoughts. These are ideas that you’re mulling. It would…

What’s Happening When You Have Two Dreams At Once?

What’s Happening When You Have Two Dreams At Once?

People can walk and chew gum at the same time. Why can’t they dream two or three dreams at once too? They can walk, chew gum, and even talk at the same time, of course, but the brain doesn’t usually work that way when it to dreaming. More than anything, when you have two dreams…

This Couple Tracked Effects Of Lifestyle Changes On Their Sleep Score

This Couple Tracked Effects Of Lifestyle Changes On Their Sleep Score

[OC] UPDATE – 2.5 years of my GF and I tracking the sleep quality impact of various choices/behaviours. These were the 9 most significant effects. Note – white dash indicates the % effect 5 months ago. byu/HeroJournal indataisbeautiful While it’s impossible to track everything because not everything can be assigned a numerical value, this is…

Can Two People Have the Same Dream At the Same Time?

Can Two People Have the Same Dream At the Same Time?

Can two people have the same dream at all? A female friend is telling you about their dream from last night: “There was this field covered with grass. We were standing next to each other. I looked up into the sky and there were clouds, but the thing was that they were in the shape…

Natural Sleep-Promoting Compound Found In China

Natural Sleep-Promoting Compound Found In China

Have you ever noticed how you can become sleepy when you drink a glass of hot milk before bed? Now note we’re talking about hot milk without cocoa. Cocoa is a stimulant. That drink is also full of simple sugar—a source of quick energy, the exact opposite of what you want and need before settling…

Stick With Dream Journaling

Stick With Dream Journaling

4/7 Once you start keeping a dream journal, you’re not going to have a breakthrough every night for the rest of your life. That’s not realistic. Neither are you going to have one amusing dream after another, though there’s a certain joy in a dream that amounts to a fun hallucination. You’re going to have…

Ajo: An Arizona Downtown Decorated By Dreams

Ajo: An Arizona Downtown Decorated By Dreams

Ajo, Arizona is a little down in the middle of the Sonoran Desert known that used to be known more as a stopping point between Phoenix and the closest ocean in Mexico. As dreamscape murals have gone up all over the downtown area, it’s become more than that. It’s now trendy, at least regionally. Ajo’s…

What To Eat At Night Before You Go To Bed

What To Eat At Night Before You Go To Bed

Bonzo, the monkey, knew what to have before bed. For people, it’s not so simple. This, in a nutshell, is the hungry person’s bedtime dilemma: if he or she eats something too heavy before bedtime, it’s going to sit in the stomach all night like a rock. Yet if the hungry person doesn’t eat anything…

Sleep Show Kicks Off in Houston

Sleep Show Kicks Off in Houston

HOUSTON — The National Sleep Foundation Sleep Show kicked off yesterday at a convention center downtown. It’s scheduled to run through Sunday.  New and established companies from around the United States and the world, are attending along with thousands of people. The convention features seminars on various aspects of sleep, the sleep industry as well…

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