How Are Sleep Hygiene and Religiousness Interrelated?

How Are Sleep Hygiene and Religiousness Interrelated?

That there’s a connection between religion and sleep hygiene is not a new idea. People have been praying at bedtime since the day after forever ago! Yet it’s a connection the medical establishment doesn’t talk about in our mostly secular society. Many healthcare practitioners don’t feel comfortable addressing the issue. In a survey of 3,257…

What Do You Do When a Place Has Bad Vibes?

What Do You Do When a Place Has Bad Vibes?

Try to figure out why. To do that, look for clues as to why you feel about the place the way you do.  It might be a profane space. So you’re somewhere with bad vibes. Are there problems and troubling things you can see with your own eyes? Is the place rundown? Are there broken…

5 Reasons Why Cleaning Your Bedroom Is Important

5 Reasons Why Cleaning Your Bedroom Is Important

Not all of the reasons are related to sleep, but improved sleep is one big reason Wouldn’t it be great if living rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms straightened out themselves? Rooms never do that outside of the old Bewitched TV show or other ones with characters that are witches. That’s kind of what people are going…

Your Opinions Form When You Sleep And You Should Know What Those Opinions Are

Your Opinions Form When You Sleep And You Should Know What Those Opinions Are

Memory consolidation is a key biochemical and biomechanical process in forming the ideas by which you live your life. An idea takes an interesting path through sleep toward ultimate expression. Sleep is essential for memory consolidation, the process by which the brain transfers short-term memories into long-term memories. In memory consolidation, the brain undergoes structural…

Understanding a Dream About Quitting

Understanding a Dream About Quitting

A dream about quitting shows how easy it is, yet not necessarily simple. Quitting anything seems easy. Throw the keys (or whatever) down dramatically and say, “That’s it! I quit.” A recent dream showed how quitting wasn’t that way at all. The message: “Don’t give up!” Any dream where you dream about quitting something deserves…

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