Beware Lying Spirits!

Psychics and others with psychic tendencies often lack skepticism when dealing with discarnate spirits.

A discarnate is a being without a physical body. That they’re communicating, that someone can hear them or sense them maybe leads one to be somehow impressed by the discarnate as you hear guest after guest on Coast To Coast AM sometimes are. You shouldn’t be in awe of it, just as you wouldn’t necessarily be in awe of someone with a physical body who’s communicating. That they don’t have a physical body doesn’t make them automatically credible or benign.

If anything, one needs to be more on guard.

Their attitude shows a breathtaking amount of naivete and dangerous stupidity.

Why lies from spirits are especially dangerous

What happened the last time you suspected someone was lying to you?

Maybe you noticed an incongruency between the person’s body language and words?

Maybe it’s because what he or she told you didn’t match up with other things you know to be true.

You have no physical clues to tip you off when you’re considering a communication from a discarnate.

Sometimes lies aren’t caught because the stakes are low or nobody pays attention.

It can take a skillful liar to match words and actions perfectly. Many would-be liars aren’t particularly skilled.

Never be overconfident when considering your ability to tell the truth from fiction.

Consider that when considering communication from a discarnate, there are fewer informational inputs than there are with an entity with a body. There are fewer chances to notice a discrepancy.

Dream journalers can have the experience of being fooled by lies during the day. At night, however, incongruencies between the lies and the truth can be exposed by their subconscious. Even in that case, however, it doesn’t mean that they are. There is no guarantee of that happening.

Cognitive biases and lies

With their hypotheses, testing, peer-review, and other features, the process, and language of science are designed to hold falsehoods at bay. It’s designed to help get at the real truth.

Beyond science, good journalists are aware of the way further facts can shine a light on stories. They’re careful to sprinkle their reportage with words like “allegedly” “reportedly,” and “witnesses say.”

The language of science and good reportage is designed to hold falsehoods at bay.

The point of these extra words like “allegedly,” is to retain credibility for the reporter and his or her institution. The writer wants you to know that the individual or institution in question is saying it, not them. They don’t know whatever is being said to be true or false. Whatever is being said is being held at bay.

This language feature isn’t common in many domains beyond science and journalistic reportage (compared to editorial opinion). For example, politicians don’t make speeches and say “allegedly.” They speak definitively. Artists do too.

Words like “allegedly” and “reportedly” are seldom used in websites and books describing spirit or angel communication. Many mediums seem to take whatever is being said at face value.

If you have this kind of experience, don’t make the same mistake.

Lies and basic communication theory

When it comes to communication, a message requires a sender, a receiver, and a message. Fundamentally, lies are messages.

The three components of any message are essential because a flaw in any one of those areas can affect communication. The ultimate problem can lie with the sender, the receiver, or the message itself.

Millions of people have had these kinds of experiences; their reactions to the experiences have sometimes been life-changing. They don’t always talk about these intimate experiences for one reason or another. Sometimes it’s because they don’t want to be disbelieved; other times, it’s because they don’t believe their senses. They consign the events to the weird area of their memory and try not to think about it.

There are many different reasons and motivations.

When you’re considering lying or even truth-telling discarnate entities, however, realize the components of a message hold true. The communication and reception of a message are still affected by the abilities of the sender, the receiver, and the message itself. The sending and receiving of a message are affected by the skills of the sender, the abilities of the receiver, and the message itself.

Open-mindedness is key. The individual in question needs to try at least. If the receiver discounts the possibility that there are spirits out of hand, if they believe that the only thing they can see is what they can physically see, they’re not ever going to attribute anything to the other side.

A TV show is a communication. A book is a communication. If you’re going to watch a TV show or read a book, the first step is to sit down and try to read or watch.

Whether you’re talking spiritual communication, a TV show, or book, the communication can still change your environment. What you haven’t bothered to try to understand or comprehend can still affect you in ways you don’t realize.

Call them discarnate entities

Don’t say “ghost” or “angel.” Spirit might be okay, but that can be confusing, depending on the context. It’s best to use a neutral term like “discarnate entity.” Words like “ghost” or “angel” or whatever carry preconceptions. You can’t see them, and therefore you can’t ever identify them reliably. Lies exist. Communication barriers exist. Discarnate entity says precisely what it is. It’s energy without a physical body. You don’t know exactly what it is. It’s not necessarily what it says it is. Moreover, it’s not either positive or negative. It’s neutral.

Don’t call them ghosts or angels. It’s better to use a neutral term like “discarnate entity.”

If you’ve ever had the experience of pure love and understanding and you’ve been praying, you may have a good idea that a “good” discarnate entity is reaching out to you. To a certain extent, to the extent that you’re skeptical of your senses, you’re thinking in bets. What are the chances that the entity was the Virgin Mary, St. Michael, or Jesus? Could a devil muster the ability to appear in that way? History is full of people who appeared to be good and who were anything but. Why couldn’t it be one of those? To summarize the guidance from the Bible, you shall know them by the fruits of their actions. That can help you figure it out sometimes, but it still leaves room for interpretation in some instances.

Usually, communication from the discarnate realm isn’t so attention-getting. There’s no reason to think it would be. If it were more apparent, it would occupy our attention more. God designed us to have free will.

Consequently, we don’t spend our lives continually in prayer. We get angry. We get annoyed. We don’t immediately forgive. This is the state we live in. There’s plenty of reasons why we’d attract chaos and evil to us. These discarnate entities that aren’t so loving or positive are inclined to hang around and profit in some way from their association and be a form of “energy vampire.”

Being aware

A salesperson, who may or may not be poorly intentioned, shapes his message for his audience. He knows something about them. He might know, for example, that the young mother he’s presenting a van to might need the room of a van as opposed to a small car because her kids are going to grow. She’s looking to have a vehicle large enough to take her children (who are going to grow and probably join sports teams) to their various activities when she’ll own this particular vehicle.

He knows this by demographics, noticing things, and asking questions. It’s part of being a good salesperson.

The salesman is an intelligence contained in a physical body.

Imagine how much intelligence would know about you if you couldn’t see them, but they could hear you, even if they couldn’t read your exact thoughts?

More lies

Plenty of people have been suckered by these things if you spend a little time on YouTube or the Internet. You always have to look at the fruits to tell whether they’re good or evil. Dealing with these kinds of things can be risky because you don’t have the physical tells that tip you off as to whether you’re being lied to.

For Further Reading:

When and How To Trust Your Intuition

On the Possible Influence of Ghosts, Demons and Angels On Sleep

What do you do when a place has bad vibes?

What Nobody Will Tell You About Your Guardian Angel (part 1)

Does Simply Paying Attention To Your Dreams Make You a Mystic?


James Cobb, RN, MSN, is an emergency department nurse and the founder of the Dream Recovery System. His goal is to provide his readers with simple, actionable ways to improve their health and maximize their quality of life. 


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