What Do You Remember From The Dream? Anything?

What Do You Remember From The Dream? Anything?

Remembering even one thing can help you. All dreams aren’t sweet. Remembering some dreams is like trying to grab motor oil streaming out of an engine: slippery, unpleasant, hot, messy, confusing, and imperfect. Like the backyard mechanic performing routine car maintenance, one can have their “oil collection container” (think dream journal or scrap paper) handy.…

A Brainstorm Dream?

A Brainstorm Dream?

The first few lines of the dream journal entry read like a list: A park in summer with a bandstand. The Beach Boys song “When I Grow Up to Be a Man” playing in the background (The bandstand was empty. Neither the Beach Boys nor any other band was playing in the bandstand. The song…

Why Make Drawings of Dreams

Why Make Drawings of Dreams

A picture is worth a thousand words, they say. And they’re right, though 1,000 words is approximate. It very well might be much more. Drawings show. Words tell. Sometimes it’s easier, quicker, and clearer to show than tell. Make drawings of your dreams Do it even if you think you don’t draw well, even if…

How To Best Journal “The Theme of the Night”

How To Best Journal “The Theme of the Night”

Sometimes something happens during the day.  Whatever it is, you can’t stop thinking about it. Or maybe you watch something on the Internet. Whatever it is, it fills your thoughts when you sleep. They’re not dreams. Oh, no. Dreams have more form and shape than these thoughts. These are ideas that you’re mulling. It would…

Another Way To Journal A Dream

Another Way To Journal A Dream

Sometimes dreams don’t have a discernable story or scene. They’re too disorganized or minimalistic to put into words. When this happens, the SOM format doesn’t work. How are you going to make or tell a story if there’s no story? Try this alternate dream journal method. What to do When this happens, simply make a…

Video: How To Remember More Of Your Dreams

Video: How To Remember More Of Your Dreams

If you’re going to understand the hidden aspects of your life, you’re going to have to understand your dreams. If you’re going to understand your dreams, you’re going to need to remember them. This video features some basic but powerful tips on how you can remember more of your dreams.   Also on the blog:…

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