How To Efficiently Learn From Your Dreams

How To Efficiently Learn From Your Dreams

Remember this: there’s always a reason why you have a certain dream.  You can dream about anything; why that particular thing? If you have similar dreams over the course of two or three days, it’s normal. If these similar dreams stretch on for weeks and months, you should ask yourself why. That’s a heckuva long…

The Best Way To Use Fake Scenarios To Fall Asleep

The Best Way To Use Fake Scenarios To Fall Asleep

When it looks like you might have to suffer a night of little sleep, it helps to have a trick to help you fall asleep in your bag. One useful and flexible—and even enjoyable—technique is the fake scenario. Why does it work? Because where the mind goes, the body follows. What is a fake scenario?…

The Stop-Overthinking-at-Bedtime 2 Step

The Stop-Overthinking-at-Bedtime 2 Step

If only the mind came with an off switch. If it did, you could flip it and shut off a racing mind when you needed to sleep. With a switch, you could stop overthinking right in its tracks, right away. The switch couldn’t affect your brain, however. That would be a disaster. You need your…

Should Your Dog Sleep With You In Bed?

Should Your Dog Sleep With You In Bed?

Humans and dogs have been living, working, playing, and sleeping beside each other for thousands of years. Our two species have grown up beside each other. We’re best friends. Despite many changes over time, we’ve moved out of caves and huts together and into today’s prefab housing and apartments. Whether you should sleep next to…

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