How To Stop Thinking About Something or Someone

How To Stop Thinking About Something or Someone

Here are 5 different techniques to use to regain control of your thoughts. Learn and remember to use at least a couple of them to use when your thoughts seem out of control. Having the same thoughts repeat in your mind isn’t always useful. If you need to remember to do something, maybe. Even then,…

4 Ways To Count Sheep To Fall Asleep

4 Ways To Count Sheep To Fall Asleep

Why do they tell people to count sheep when they can’t sleep? Here’s a guess: among domesticated livestock, sheep are pretty docile. When you look at your typical flock, you’ll see the fluffy quadrupeds blankly munching away on grass or feed. They’ll stare back at you blankly. Time stops. Clouds float by in the sky.…

How to Sleep In a Haunted House

How to Sleep In a Haunted House

Are you beginning to think your home is haunted but you’re not sure? It happens. Understand that when it comes to the supernatural, there’s a difference between real life and fiction in most movies and books. More than that, there’s a real difference between real-life and even most of the nonfiction presented for entertainment in…

How To Use a Prayer Candle

How To Use a Prayer Candle

You may have seen rows of them in grocery, drug stores, discount, and big-box stores alike. They usually have an attractive drawing on them. The ones found in the United States are often dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, St. Michael, St. Joseph, or another sacred concept, and mostly sold to…

Should Sleeping Be Your Hobby?

Should Sleeping Be Your Hobby?

Can sleeping be considered a real hobby? You just lay there and close your eyes. Hearing that and thinking about it, some might say, What a boring idea for a hobby! People who pursue hobbies usually have events where they get together with other like-minded people. Motorcycle enthusiasts get together with other enthusiasts to ride…

Classic 117-year-old Advice To Stop Insomnia

Classic 117-year-old Advice To Stop Insomnia

In many ways, Bernarr Macfadden was the “father of fitness. He had strong opinions about how to avoid insomnia. Bernarr Macfadden started a magazine and a popular movement. The movement and magazine had the same name: “physical culture.” Watching what you ate and seeing that you got exercise wasn’t as popular among Americans before he…

What Are the 3 Pressure Points For Sleep That Really Work?

What Are the 3 Pressure Points For Sleep That Really Work?

Sometimes you need to get your engine started. People often have a cup of coffee or an energy drink for that. A few quick push-ups or some jumping jacks can work for that too. But sometimes, however, you need to turn your engine off. Forget sleeping pills—Heart 7 (HT7) and Gallbladder 20 (GB20) are two…

How to Stop Someone From Snoring

How to Stop Someone From Snoring

Why illustrate an article about how to stop someone from snoring with a picture of Charles Atlas? Charles Atlas was not known to snore. Because… Isometric exercise is nothing new. They work. They’re safe. They’re simple. You can do them anywhere. Charles Atlas was known for his ads in comic books and for building his…

Can You Sleep On a Sofa Bed Every Night?

Can You Sleep On a Sofa Bed Every Night?

Sofa sleeper or, conversely, sleeper sofa. Pull-out couch. Couch mattresses. Sofa bed. Any variation of the above. Whatever you want to call them, they’re not actually meant for sleeping in unless you’re around five years old. Even if you’re five, whether they’re meant for sleeping is highly debatable. Why do pull-out sofa beds even exist?…

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