AIs Never Will Give Useful Dream Interpretation

AIs Never Will Give Useful Dream Interpretation

When it comes to AIs, humans might end up replaced in many different career paths, from artist to driver, to writer. One area where we humans need not worry about replacement is dream interpretation, though several companies are offering AI-guided dream interpretation. AI’s won’t have the insight to adequately understand and interpret your dream as…

What Do You Do When a Place Has Bad Vibes?

What Do You Do When a Place Has Bad Vibes?

Try to figure out why. To do that, look for clues as to why you feel about the place the way you do.  It might be a profane space. So you’re somewhere with bad vibes. Are there problems and troubling things you can see with your own eyes? Is the place rundown? Are there broken…

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Everyday Life?

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Everyday Life?

You could have dreamed anything at all, anything you could have imagined. Why did you dream about your everyday life?  What seems like a slice-of-life dream might hold a deeper meaning. Dreams can feature crazy scenes or other ones that are fairly humdrum. Why can you have a crazy one that doesn’t seem to make…

What If St. Joseph Had the Internet?

What If St. Joseph Had the Internet?

We were lucky St. Joseph wasn’t a modern guy with the Internet when God sent him his famous warning dream. Not every technological advance is an actual advance. Small Town, Some Country In the Middle East In An Alternate History, Spring 2023 Joe wakes up to the alarm on his phone. He uses an alarm…

A Cup of Passionflower Tea and Off To Bed With You

A Cup of Passionflower Tea and Off To Bed With You

Passionflower is a plant with natural sedative compounds. It’s often used as a natural remedy for insomnia, taken as a supplement or tea. The Passionflower is an absolutely enchanting variety of vine flower, with beautiful, curly purple or blue petals that resemble tentacles. One type of Passionflower, Passiflora incarnata, is said to offer many benefits—like…

What’s the Best Time to Take a Shower?

What’s the Best Time to Take a Shower?

You need to shower: but when? What’s the best time? Do you really even need to shower? Let’s state this right up front. There are good reasons to take a shower. There’s a question of avoiding distracting smells, the process of washing away dirt and bacteria, and the simple fact showering feels good.  If you…

5 Reasons Why Cleaning Your Bedroom Is Important

5 Reasons Why Cleaning Your Bedroom Is Important

Not all of the reasons are related to sleep, but improved sleep is one big reason Wouldn’t it be great if living rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms straightened out themselves? Rooms never do that outside of the old Bewitched TV show or other ones with characters that are witches. That’s kind of what people are going…

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