Can the CAM-ICU Be Cruel?

Can the CAM-ICU Be Cruel?

The rhythm of life, for most people, goes something like this: every day they’re awake, every night they’re asleep. The hours awake and asleep change as do some of the other particulars. Sleeping is something we do every day. We all sleep. We all need to sleep. And we need to sleep for several hours…

Make Sleeping Better Your 2024 Resolution!

Make Sleeping Better Your 2024 Resolution!

Happy 2024, dear readers! It’s always popular to make New Year’s resolutions about health. Why not? It’s the most valuable thing you own if you have it. According to some surveys, more than half of the resolutions deal with aspects of health. Sleep, of course, plays a big role in overall health. Sleep and dreams…

Earthing May Not Be A Match For Some Inflammatory Conditions

Earthing May Not Be A Match For Some Inflammatory Conditions

The alternative therapy has been employed by many to reduce inflammation in their bodies, but it’s far from universally effective. A well-known mnemonic in nursing school is the Five Rights of Medication Administration. Right patient Right medication Right route Right dose Right time When you’re trying to match a treatment to any health problem you…

Where Did All The Waterbeds Go?

Where Did All The Waterbeds Go?

If a time traveler came from the 1980s, he or she might wonder where all the waterbeds went. Waterbeds were fairly common back then. Invented in California in the 60s, they grew in popularity over time. All together, waterbeds comprised about 20 percent of the bed market. Today, they make up a much smaller segment,…

2050: Self-Driving Cars Beget A Sleep Dystopia

2050: Self-Driving Cars Beget A Sleep Dystopia

Can you imagine a world where it’s a luxury to get up from a bed to walk around in an apartment-sized living area? When self-driving cars progress further down the development curve, it could happen. Beyond the effects on jobs in transportation like truck driving and delivery, wages won’t keep up with real estate price…

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

May all your dreams in 2020 be good ones! Don’t be afraid to make any New Year’s Resolutions. You never win unless you try. The Dream Recovery System

The Edgar Cayce Legacy: 11 Predictions Made By Looking At The Past

The Edgar Cayce Legacy: 11 Predictions Made By Looking At The Past

Part 4 of 4 History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.  Mark Twain When we’re looking forward to the future, we can make predictions based on technology that’s already here or coming soon. We can also use theories. Using the Strauss-Howe Generational Theory to attempt to predict anything precisely is abuse, misuse, and misunderstanding of the…

The Edgar Cayce Legacy: Evidence vs. Anecdote

The Edgar Cayce Legacy: Evidence vs. Anecdote

Part 1 of 4 It can be hard to date the origin of any term. I first heard the term “evidence-based practice” sometime in the late ’90s. It’s an offshoot of “evidence-based medicine,” introduced around 1992.  The idea behind it wasn’t new; the term was. Over the years, usage spread into areas tangential to healthcare. That…

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