Help Yourself When Enrolled At The School of Hard Knocks

Help Yourself When Enrolled At The School of Hard Knocks

Asking 5 big questions can raise the value of personal experience Sometimes they call learning by experience “The School of Hard Knocks.”  Going at something blind without the benefit of someone else’s experience can be painful. They also call it experiential learning. “Hard Knocks” sounds like a painful way to learn something. It can be.…

Whether Online Or As a Book, Dream Dictionaries Aren’t Accurate

Whether Online Or As a Book, Dream Dictionaries Aren’t Accurate

“And, speaking more generally, it is plain foolishness to believe in ready-made systematic guides to dream interpretation, as if one could simply buy a reference book and look up a particular symbol. No dream symbol can be separated from the individual who dreams it, and there is no definite or straightforward interpretation of any dream.”—…

How to Unlock Health Warnings In Your Dreams

How to Unlock Health Warnings In Your Dreams

Sometimes you’ve got to wonder what your dreams are telling you, especially concerning your health.  Health warnings in dreams can be confusing—though taking them seriously can save your life. It’s easy to go on the Internet and type in a query, and people do every day. When it comes to getting definitive answers about what…

5 Ways Water Pillows Are Awesome

5 Ways Water Pillows Are Awesome

My wife recently returned from a trip to Mexico.  “There it is. My water pillow! I missed it!” she said, excited. There was a level of fondness there for the pillow I hadn’t heard before.  “You missed it?” I said. “What?”  At the time she said this, she had just returned home and had come into our bedroom…

Can Remembering Your Dreams Replace Hallucinogen Use?

Can Remembering Your Dreams Replace Hallucinogen Use?

It has to be a thought thunk by every stick-in-the-mud who refuses to touch hallucinogens: I’m no fun. Here I am holding a regular job. Here I am fulfilling my responsibilities to my family and society. There they are. They’re tripping out. They sure look like they’re having a good time getting wasted. Damn them!…

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