Your Guts Are An Emotional Center

Your Guts Are An Emotional Center

There are many reasons to eat moderate amounts of good, healthy food. Eating healthfully, however, can be challenging to do consistently. Anyone who has tried and failed at a diet can attest to this. It’s a daily conflict between the desirability of eating healthy versus the taste and convenience of junk food. As they say,…

Work With Your Subconscious to Have a Guided Dream

Work With Your Subconscious to Have a Guided Dream

Much has been written about lucid dreams. More attention should be paid to guided dreams. Guided dreams don’t require you to be aware that you’re dreaming while you’re in the dream. They’re guided because there’s an interchange between your conscious and subconscious mind. When you get guidance from your guided dream, they’re an interesting addition…

What Does a Dream About Snakes Mean?

What Does a Dream About Snakes Mean?

If you have a dream about snakes, it’s important to pay attention to how they presented themselves. Were they slithering and creepy? Was there just one snake or more than one? Did it seem wise? Did it tempt you? Were they twisting and moving along the ground? Did you come upon them suddenly? Was there…

4 Ways To Put the Scientific Method In Your Life

4 Ways To Put the Scientific Method In Your Life

For all of the constant talk of STEM in schools (science, technology, engineering, and math), you’d think our society would be completely based on the scientific method in all of its facets. You’d think government, business, and personal decisions would always be based on facts and studies. If you did, you’d be wrong. Concepts like…

What Are the 3 Pressure Points For Sleep That Really Work?

What Are the 3 Pressure Points For Sleep That Really Work?

Sometimes you need to get your engine started. People often have a cup of coffee or an energy drink for that. A few quick push-ups or some jumping jacks can work for that too. But sometimes, however, you need to turn your engine off. Forget sleeping pills—Heart 7 (HT7) and Gallbladder 20 (GB20) are two…

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