Ajo: An Arizona Downtown Decorated By Dreams

Ajo: An Arizona Downtown Decorated By Dreams

Ajo, Arizona is a little down in the middle of the Sonoran Desert known that used to be known more as a stopping point between Phoenix and the closest ocean in Mexico. As dreamscape murals have gone up all over the downtown area, it’s become more than that. It’s now trendy, at least regionally. Ajo’s…

Turn Off The Tap On Night Sweats

Turn Off The Tap On Night Sweats

Clammy hands. Cold, sweaty feet. A cold, sopping pillow. The drip, drip, drip of a faucet keeping you awake is bad enough. When the dripping is coming from your head, back, and armpits into your sheets, it has to be worse. Cold night sweats have to be one of the most troubling sleeping problems there are. …

Anxious? Try This Dream-Based Anxiety Hack To Crush Your Worries

Anxious? Try This Dream-Based Anxiety Hack To Crush Your Worries

Your mind is pretty much behaving like a game of Jenga.  Instead of wooden blocks, however, it’s one worry after another that’s stacking up. Up, up, up, the tower of worries go until they eventually come crashing down.  It’s a bad kind of creativity. Instead of coming up with interesting ideas, you’re coming up with…

Want A “Can’t Sleep” Midnight Snack? Try the “Cereal Cure”

Want A “Can’t Sleep” Midnight Snack? Try the “Cereal Cure”

Crisp rice cereal at bedtime combined with dried cherries makes for a naturally sedating combination that contain both melatonin and tryptophan. It could help you get some shuteye. You can call this midnight snack insomnia “the cereal cure.” As they say in clickbait hype, “Drug companies probably would rather you not know about this!!!” Seriously…

Sleep Hygiene Should Be Equal To Personal Hygiene

Sleep Hygiene Should Be Equal To Personal Hygiene

“Dirty jobs” and TV’s Mike Rowe have become synonymous over the last 15-plus years. If you’ve flipped through cable TV channels sometime during that time, you’ve probably seen Rowe doing all kinds of things. He’s mucked out the bottom of a giant chicken coop. He’s cleaned cow skulls. He’s collected vomit from many different animals.…

Be Your Own Coach

Be Your Own Coach

Whether it’s sleep or some other issue, roll up your sleeves, and get to work on solving it yourself first If a man or a woman has questions and they want answers, what do they do? It depends. There are several things they might do. Exactly what might depend on their personality and what resources…

What’s An Easy Snack Before Bed?

What’s An Easy Snack Before Bed?

Bedtime trail mix might help you get to sleep as you hike off to Dreamland Some supermarkets have dozens of varieties of trail mix these days.  It wasn’t always this way. The creation of and access to all these concoctions is a relatively recent innovation, at least compared to how long people have been eating it.   As recent…

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