Why Do We Dream In Symbols?

Why Do We Dream In Symbols?

The human brain and mind have been compared to a computer. Understanding why we dream in symbols is easier when you consider computers. First, there are the parts of the computer you interact with. These include the keyboard, the monitor, and the mouse. In addition, there are the programs you interact with. This would include…

Character Transformations and Composite Characters: the “Barb Sanders” Dreams

Character Transformations and Composite Characters: the “Barb Sanders” Dreams

Anything can happen in a dream. Anything often does. One of those things that happen in dreams—unlike real life—is what dream researchers have come to call “character transformations.” In the collected dreams of a pseudonymous dream journaler whom Calvin Hall referred to as “Barb Sanders” these character transformations were fairly common. Hall estimated they occurred…

How To React To Warning Dreams

How To React To Warning Dreams

People have had warning dreams for centuries, probably ever since there’s been people. It’s part of being human. Will the fate come to pass? Probably not. We’ve got a terrible track record with dream warnings and other kinds of warnings as well. Dreams communicate with symbolic language. They often don’t make much sense when considered…

What Does Driftwood Mean In a Dream?

What Does Driftwood Mean In a Dream?

However it shows up, driftwood is an interesting object to see in a dream.  The meaning doesn’t really vary much. It depends on whether the driftwood refers to you (the dreamer) or to someone else. Unlike a lot of other objects, the meaning you of driftwood in a dream stays remarkably consistent.  Wood is what…

AIs Never Will Give Useful Dream Interpretation

AIs Never Will Give Useful Dream Interpretation

When it comes to AIs, humans might end up replaced in many different career paths, from artist to driver, to writer. One area where we humans need not worry about replacement is dream interpretation, though several companies are offering AI-guided dream interpretation. AI’s won’t have the insight to adequately understand and interpret your dream as…

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Everyday Life?

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Everyday Life?

You could have dreamed anything at all, anything you could have imagined. Why did you dream about your everyday life?  What seems like a slice-of-life dream might hold a deeper meaning. Dreams can feature crazy scenes or other ones that are fairly humdrum. Why can you have a crazy one that doesn’t seem to make…

What If St. Joseph Had the Internet?

What If St. Joseph Had the Internet?

We were lucky St. Joseph wasn’t a modern guy with the Internet when God sent him his famous warning dream. Not every technological advance is an actual advance. Small Town, Some Country In the Middle East In An Alternate History, Spring 2023 Joe wakes up to the alarm on his phone. He uses an alarm…

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