Studies Show Special Exercises Before Sleep Can Help Your Blood Pressure

Studies Show Special Exercises Before Sleep Can Help Your Blood Pressure

Sometimes doing an action can take the place of taking a certain medication. Positive morning affirmations can work like an antidepressant. Grounding can decrease inflammation. Chiropractors routinely prescribe exercise routines to relieve pain. Some doctors have said, “If exercise were a drug, I’d give everyone a prescription.” Sometimes what you’re doing is making a drug…

What Should You Make Of An Out-Of-Body Experience?

What Should You Make Of An Out-Of-Body Experience?

Having an out-of-the-body experience (an OBE) doesn’t make you special. An OBE can make you feel unmoored. An OBE can change your perspective on how you once thought the world worked. An OBE can make you realign your priorities. Once you accept these changes, you’ll feel less anxious. They might feel weird, but they’re so…

How to Decide If You’re “Crazy” Or Not

How to Decide If You’re “Crazy” Or Not

Am I crazy? Am I insane? It’s a question people can have after they have an experience—or experiences—that defy easy explanation. Skepticism is valued in our society. Being skeptical shows you’re no fool. Knee-jerk skepticism, even cynicism, is easy. Sometimes it takes work and courage to ask questions. You may not like the answer either.…

Have Vivid Dreams With Pyridoxine—The Dream Vitamin

Have Vivid Dreams With Pyridoxine—The Dream Vitamin

Vitamin B-6 can help you have more dreams. When you’re learning about nutrition, it’s hard to distinguish one B vitamin from another. That’s probably because of how they’re presented to the learner: all in one group. They all sound alike.  They’re distinct, however; biochemically separate. As B vitamins they’re grouped by function. It’s an attempt to…

The Power of Nap or The Power of Walk?

The Power of Nap or The Power of Walk?

To nap or not to nap: that is the question. Some people swear by the power of naps, actually calling them “power naps.” They’re powerful, they say, because they feel recharged, refreshed, and rejuvenated after they wake up. Others, not so much. They insist that if you’re struggling through your day after a night of sleeplessness,…

Leptin and the Power of Homeostasis

Leptin and the Power of Homeostasis

People frequently compare the human body to a machine. It’s not, but making a comparison like that is taking a mental shortcut. Writers searching for convenient analogies are guilty. We probably should forgive them. They’re just trying to explain how stuff works in easily understood ways. Besides the fact humans are living and machines aren’t,…

Fun Facts About Sleep

Fun Facts About Sleep

Here are some basic, interesting facts about sleep and dreams. While there are differences in the way everyone dreams and in the content of those dreams, there are commonalities. The commonalities are good to keep in mind when discussing dream journaling ►12 percent of people dream only in black and white, so they say. Personally,…

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