What Does a Dream About Snakes Mean?

What Does a Dream About Snakes Mean?

If you have a dream about snakes, it’s important to pay attention to how they presented themselves. Were they slithering and creepy? Was there just one snake or more than one? Did it seem wise? Did it tempt you? Were they twisting and moving along the ground? Did you come upon them suddenly? Was there…

4 Ways To Put the Scientific Method In Your Life

4 Ways To Put the Scientific Method In Your Life

For all of the constant talk of STEM in schools (science, technology, engineering, and math), you’d think our society would be completely based on the scientific method in all of its facets. You’d think government, business, and personal decisions would always be based on facts and studies. If you did, you’d be wrong. Concepts like…

What Are the 3 Pressure Points For Sleep That Really Work?

What Are the 3 Pressure Points For Sleep That Really Work?

Sometimes you need to get your engine started. People often have a cup of coffee or an energy drink for that. A few quick push-ups or some jumping jacks can work for that too. But sometimes, however, you need to turn your engine off. Forget sleeping pills—Heart 7 (HT7) and Gallbladder 20 (GB20) are two…

How To Make Caffeine Leave Your System

How To Make Caffeine Leave Your System

Every branch of the United States military knows coffee. It’s a “mission essential.” Generally speaking, military members don’t appreciate coffee as a gourmet, though brands like Starbucks and Seattle’s Best are available at many facilities. The military knows coffee in the way that it’s a well-used tool to get the mission accomplished. Whether it’s to…

How to Stop Someone From Snoring

How to Stop Someone From Snoring

Why illustrate an article about how to stop someone from snoring with a picture of Charles Atlas? Charles Atlas was not known to snore. Because… Isometric exercise is nothing new. They work. They’re safe. They’re simple. You can do them anywhere. Charles Atlas was known for his ads in comic books and for building his…

Learn Anatomy and Physiology Before You Need It

Learn Anatomy and Physiology Before You Need It

Learning anatomy and physiology can be hard under the best conditions. It’s important as it’s the class giving would-be healthcare students an in-depth understanding of the human body. Year-after-year, it’s one of surest ways colleges weed out students for their programs. The classes have ended many dreams. Why learn anatomy and physiology? Beyond healthcare students,…

Creative or Want To Be? Remember to Keep An Idea Notebook Handy

Creative or Want To Be? Remember to Keep An Idea Notebook Handy

Ideas flash into your mind triggered by an inspiration, hitting like lightning. Good idea or bad, sometimes you don’t get a chance to decide. They leave as quickly as they come. That ideas good and bad leave is guaranteed to happen. “The next thing” comes and crowds it out. Who needs to carry an idea…

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