Want A “Can’t Sleep” Midnight Snack? Try the “Cereal Cure”

Want A “Can’t Sleep” Midnight Snack? Try the “Cereal Cure”

Crisp rice cereal at bedtime combined with dried cherries makes for a naturally sedating combination that contain both melatonin and tryptophan. It could help you get some shuteye. You can call this midnight snack insomnia “the cereal cure.” As they say in clickbait hype, “Drug companies probably would rather you not know about this!!!” Seriously…

Sleep Hygiene Should Be Equal To Personal Hygiene

Sleep Hygiene Should Be Equal To Personal Hygiene

“Dirty jobs” and TV’s Mike Rowe have become synonymous over the last 15-plus years. If you’ve flipped through cable TV channels sometime during that time, you’ve probably seen Rowe doing all kinds of things. He’s mucked out the bottom of a giant chicken coop. He’s cleaned cow skulls. He’s collected vomit from many different animals.…

Don’t Let Perfect Be The Enemy Of The Good

Don’t Let Perfect Be The Enemy Of The Good

Perfect is the enemy of “done.” Learn to say está bien and mean it! On June 13th, Arizona Diamondbacks pitcher Zack Greinke didn’t allow a single Washington National player to reach base—until the seventh inning. If he had kept every opposing player off the bases until the end of the ninth inning, it would have…

How and When To Use Benadryl For Sleep

How and When To Use Benadryl For Sleep

Also sold as “diphenhydramine,” this allergy medicine is used by many to help them fall asleep. Life happens.   The usual way of ensuring you get a good night’s rest should be to be active during the day, get some exposure to the sun, avoid drinking too much coffee too close to bedtime, and be relaxed.…

How To Use Brainwave Entrainment To Reach Your Goals

How To Use Brainwave Entrainment To Reach Your Goals

People are always struggling to quit something, start something, or stop something.  They even struggle to stop struggling, to relax.  The circadian rhythm is part of the struggle. Also known as the wake/rest cycle, men and women struggle to wake up and struggle to go to sleep. You can’t fight—or struggle well—if you don’t recharge. At…

How to Unlock Health Warnings In Your Dreams

How to Unlock Health Warnings In Your Dreams

Sometimes you’ve got to wonder what your dreams are telling you, especially concerning your health.  Health warnings in dreams can be confusing—though taking them seriously can save your life. It’s easy to go on the Internet and type in a query, and people do every day. When it comes to getting definitive answers about what…

App Helps Jet Lagged Travelers Cope

App Helps Jet Lagged Travelers Cope

Travel can be an amazing amount of fun.  There’s the opportunity to try new food, see new sights, meet new friends, and make lifelong memories.  Many people have world travel on their bucket list. Travel is a goal for them.  But, oh, that desynchronosis!  Desynchronosis, the bane of travelers between time zones everywhere, is also…

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