How To Find and Keep A Great Morning Routine For Success

How To Find and Keep A Great Morning Routine For Success

Swap daily activities between the morning and the rest of your day as needed for resiliency and success. Once upon a time, there was a young boy with many bad habits. This bothered his father, so he corrected him. “Don’t do this,” the father would say. “Don’t do that.” The young man ignored him. Over…

Should Your Dog Sleep With You In Bed?

Should Your Dog Sleep With You In Bed?

Humans and dogs have been living, working, playing, and sleeping beside each other for thousands of years. Our two species have grown up beside each other. We’re best friends. Despite many changes over time, we’ve moved out of caves and huts together and into today’s prefab housing and apartments. Whether you should sleep next to…

Isometric Exercises Before Bed

Isometric Exercises Before Bed

If someone made a list of the top fitness secrets, doing isometric exercises before bed would have to be in the top 10. Many people have a dilemma. It would be best if they exercised, and they’re busy, and they only have so much time in the day. Regular exercise, after all, is part of…

Don’t Forget To Make It Decaf Coffee Before Bed

Don’t Forget To Make It Decaf Coffee Before Bed

Some say, “What’s the point of drinking decaffeinated coffee?” For those people, coffee is a morning beverage. The aroma, the taste, added sugar, and cream gives them a kick that helps them wake up to greet and meet the new day. When it comes to the holiday season, with the pies, desserts, and gatherings of…

4 Types of Exercise To Get In the Evening Before Bed For Awesome Sleep

4 Types of Exercise To Get In the Evening Before Bed For Awesome Sleep

It’s a fact: sleep aids in regenerating the body tissues. Sleep troubles like insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and sleep apnea mean your body doesn’t heal well. It’s a downward spiral that leads to a lack of sleep, predisposing your body to stress, anxiety, and tiredness.  You might have tried exercising in the evening before. Maybe…

Get to Bed On Time

Get to Bed On Time

Some nights the last thing you want to do is go to bed. There are too many things tempting you to stay up. So many more things seem more appealing than shutting off the lights and closing your eyes. Do these self-defeating temptations sound familiar? You could be watching something on YouTube. Texting a friend.…

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