What Makes A Dream A Vision?

What Makes A Dream A Vision?

When you call someone a “dreamer,” it’s something of an insult. Yet, when you call someone a “visionary,” that’s high praise. Why? What’s the difference? There’s not that much beyond the way the word sounds, the connotation it carries. To many people’s way of thinking, dreaming connotes pie-in-the-sky fancies. Impractical ideas. Something that doesn’t work…

Dreams Without Symbols: A Slice Of Life

Dreams Without Symbols: A Slice Of Life

Not every dream is symbolic of something, though many are. People tend to ignore the dreams without symbols unless they’re an instance of deja vu where one has the feeling they’ve been somewhere or done something before. Dream journalers tend to talk about dreams with symbols more often. They’re more interesting because we learn from those dreams.…

5 Keys To Understanding the Meaning of Your Sex Dream

5 Keys To Understanding the Meaning of Your Sex Dream

One can have all kinds of sex dreams. In your dreams, you might have sex with people you wouldn’t consider in real life. Multiple partners may show up. The dreams could feature people of the same sex, homeless people, powerful people, strangers, children, machines, objects, anyone, and anything. In dreams, after all, anything is possible.…

Nagging Dreams Are Like Mandatory Training From HR

Nagging Dreams Are Like Mandatory Training From HR

If you think every dream you journal will be profound, surprising, or funny, you’ll be sorely disappointed. Here’s a little acknowledged secret: Some dreams are boring. The themes of some dreams are so dull, so mind-numbingly obvious, they’re like training produced by the human resources department at a large company. They’re reminders more than anything…

What Does a Dream About Snakes Mean?

What Does a Dream About Snakes Mean?

If you have a dream about snakes, it’s important to pay attention to how they presented themselves. Were they slithering and creepy? Was there just one snake or more than one? Did it seem wise? Did it tempt you? Were they twisting and moving along the ground? Did you come upon them suddenly? Was there…

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