Did Your Subconscious Perceive Something Your Conscious Mind Missed?

Did Your Subconscious Perceive Something Your Conscious Mind Missed?

The subconscious has been known to pick up certain signals and hints the conscious mind misses. For example, when you meet someone and there’s something incongruous about what they say and the way they behave. That incongruity leads you to not trust them. Being in touch with your subconscious can help you zero in on the reasons for this feeling. It can even save your life.

Does God Speak To Us In Dreams?

Does God Speak To Us In Dreams?

In the Bible, God communicated with people in dreams. The angel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that she would bear the Savior. Another angel came to St. Joseph and told him of Herod’s plans to kill off the oldest son of every Jewish family. There are many other instances in both the Old and…

How To Have A Clarifying Dream

How To Have A Clarifying Dream

For generations, dream analysis teachers have suggested asking for a clarifying dream when you don’t understand the meaning of a dream. How do you do this? Now and then, a dream journaler will encounter a symbol or two in their dream he or she doesn’t quite understand even after they’ve employed the 3-step dream interpretation…

There's gold (figurative) in your dreams.
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