4 Types of Exercise To Get In the Evening Before Bed For Awesome Sleep

4 Types of Exercise To Get In the Evening Before Bed For Awesome Sleep

It’s a fact: sleep aids in regenerating the body tissues. Sleep troubles like insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and sleep apnea mean your body doesn’t heal well. It’s a downward spiral that leads to a lack of sleep, predisposing your body to stress, anxiety, and tiredness.  You might have tried exercising in the evening before. Maybe…

Get to Bed On Time

Get to Bed On Time

Some nights the last thing you want to do is go to bed. There are too many things tempting you to stay up. So many more things seem more appealing than shutting off the lights and closing your eyes. Do these self-defeating temptations sound familiar? You could be watching something on YouTube. Texting a friend.…

Free Celebrity Sleep Coaching During Sleep Challenge

Free Celebrity Sleep Coaching During Sleep Challenge

From Monday, September 27 to Friday, October 1 ChiliSleep will host the Back to Sleep Challenge. It’s an online, free, five-day event featuring prominent speakers from the world of performance improvement and sleep medicine along with a dedicated Facebook group and homework to practice implementing what you learned. The lineup includes: Kelly Starrett—physical therapist and…

Sleep Less At Night and Stay Healthy

Sleep Less At Night and Stay Healthy

Sleep takes up a major chunk of the day. That can conflict with your other goals. How can you sleep less yet maintain health? I spend hours every week writing a sleep blog. I’m also longtime a sleep science enthusiast with a 25-year background in healthcare. I’ve both read and experimented a lot with sleep.…

Making a Bandana Blindfold Is Easy To Do

Making a Bandana Blindfold Is Easy To Do

Sometimes, a bandana blindfold is a quick answer to improving sleep because even a little light can be annoying and interfere with falling asleep. Go to bed like a hostage! Morning sun creeps around gaps in the curtains, getting you up too early. Once again, the sunbeams have started cheating you out of a few…

Acid Reflux? How To Win At Eating and Sleeping.

Acid Reflux? How To Win At Eating and Sleeping.

It doesn’t have to be difficult to sleep with GERD GERD, acid reflux, and waking up suddenly in the middle of the night coughing and hacking: the terms and experience go together—especially after you eat a little too much a little too close to bedtime. They don’t have to. Until you develop what they call…

Is Bedtime A Good Time For Self-Improvement?

Is Bedtime A Good Time For Self-Improvement?

The Bedtime Stories We Tell Ourselves and Others: Part 4 of 4 Lots of people are hungry, hungry to get better. Some are more than hungry; they’re starving. In the United States, the personal development/ self-improvement industry was worth almost $10 billion in 2019. That number represents serious spending. It’s a competitive world out there.…

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