Avoid the Hypnic Jerk with Lucid Dreaming

Avoid the Hypnic Jerk with Lucid Dreaming

Falling. . . . Falling. . . . Falling. . . . “Ahhh!” Boom! Splat! You wake up. You gasp. It takes a moment to get oriented. You exhale. You relax. Good. You’re not dead. You landed in bed — or wherever else you fell asleep. This sensation is known as a hypnic jerk. It happens…

Leptin and the Power of Homeostasis

Leptin and the Power of Homeostasis

People frequently compare the human body to a machine. It’s not, but making a comparison like that is taking a mental shortcut. Writers searching for convenient analogies are guilty. We probably should forgive them. They’re just trying to explain how stuff works in easily understood ways. Besides the fact humans are living and machines aren’t,…

Hypnos Got a Bad Rap from Hesiod and Society

Hypnos Got a Bad Rap from Hesiod and Society

Ancient Greeks also had a mixed relationship with sleep. The stigma didn’t start with us. It might not have begun with them. Hesiod and other ancient Greek writers had a choice. They could have made the god of sleep part of a family of positive deities. They didn’t. Instead, the family consists of a bunch…

Save a Life! Stop Snoring.

Save a Life! Stop Snoring.

When we were leaving Sunday afternoon, your wife was all smiles as you backed the car out of your driveway. She looks really happy, I thought. I didn’t think much about it at the time. I have figured out why now. She was looking forward to a full night of sleep! The poor woman hasn’t…

Up All Night For No Good Reason

Up All Night For No Good Reason

Look, everyone, now and then, has difficulty falling asleep. It’s the way life is. It’s aggravating. Consider the situation stoically: it’s your turn to have trouble tonight. There could be a lot of reasons you’re having trouble right now. Did you drink too much coffee or have one of those energy drinks too close to…

Fun Facts About Sleep

Fun Facts About Sleep

Here are some basic, interesting facts about sleep and dreams. While there are differences in the way everyone dreams and in the content of those dreams, there are commonalities. The commonalities are good to keep in mind when discussing dream journaling ►12 percent of people dream only in black and white, so they say. Personally,…

Dream Journal: Nativity Scene Larceny

Dream Journal: Nativity Scene Larceny

Cute, winged insect creatures carried components of the nativity scene one by one through the snowy forest. Up went an angel. Up went a donkey. Up went a shepherd. The swarm went through the hilly forest, over to a snow-covered front yard. The caller to the nationally-syndicated radio show described what he was having the…

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