The Subtle Joy of the Strategic Dream

The Subtle Joy of the Strategic Dream

Mental strategic planning sessions in dreams can be long on dialogue, short on symbolism Many dreams feature imagery and symbolism. In that way, they’re not too different from songs and poetry. Yet planning in business and government isn’t done by poets, artists, or the like. Poets call attention to problems and situations. They add richness…

Classified: 5 Types Of Dream Information

Classified: 5 Types Of Dream Information

One can classify phenomena in a variety of different ways. Dreams are no exception. They’re a communication between the subconscious and conscious mind. Communications contain information. You can, therefore, classify them based on the type of information they contain, at least for the person who develops the ability and skill of remembering and interpreting their…

I Compare My Dream Journal

I Compare My Dream Journal

Understanding yourself better using your dream journal (Part 6/7) Blue Opossum (a pseudonym) is a K-12 educator from Australia. He has an incredibly detailed recall of his dreams and a heightened awareness of the different stages of sleep. He’s got a real gift. Born in 1960, his dream journal, for practical purposes, starts in 1963…

How To Talk To Others About Your Psychic Experiences

How To Talk To Others About Your Psychic Experiences

Plenty of people have had psychic experiences. These experiences transcend every culture, every country, every time period. Why are you worried about talking about your psychic experience then? Everyone has their own reason, but a common one is you don’t want to sound crazy. You don’t want people to doubt your mental health. Some psychic…

Was Your Dream Racist?

Was Your Dream Racist?

As recounted in the post on keeping a dream journal, one of the most famous dreams of all time was Elias Howe’s 1845 dream leading to the sewing machine’s invention. It was a dream that revolutionized an industry and changed the world. It has been called racist. For weeks, the young man had been working…

The Osteens Are An Antidote To Oppressive Realism

The Osteens Are An Antidote To Oppressive Realism

Life might be nicer if everything was fair all the time. If it were, however, life wouldn’t be a challenge. We’d all probably end up bored. If everything for everyone was fair, we wouldn’t ever need to feel guilty. We wouldn’t have more than someone else. We wouldn’t have less. We wouldn’t have to think…

These Are the Best Strategies For Confronting Nightmares, Fears, and Hopelessness

These Are the Best Strategies For Confronting Nightmares, Fears, and Hopelessness

In Charles Dickens’s The Christmas Carol, the old, miserly protagonist Ebenezer Scrooge confronts his nightmares and emerges a better man. Dickens describes him as greedy, ill-tempered, and grasping. Scrooge, at least, is good in that he becomes a better person by the end of the story. Dream journalers sometimes have nightmares so unsettling they don’t…

What Makes A Dream A Vision?

What Makes A Dream A Vision?

When you call someone a “dreamer,” it’s something of an insult. Yet, when you call someone a “visionary,” that’s high praise. Why? What’s the difference? There’s not that much beyond the way the word sounds, the connotation it carries. To many people’s way of thinking, dreaming connotes pie-in-the-sky fancies. Impractical ideas. Something that doesn’t work…

Dreams Without Symbols: A Slice Of Life

Dreams Without Symbols: A Slice Of Life

Not every dream is symbolic of something, though many are. People tend to ignore the dreams without symbols unless they’re an instance of deja vu where one has the feeling they’ve been somewhere or done something before. Dream journalers tend to talk about dreams with symbols more often. They’re more interesting because we learn from those dreams.…

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