Should You Bore Yourself To Sleep?

Should You Bore Yourself To Sleep?

The Bedtime Stories We Tell Ourselves and Others: Part 3 of 4 Hearing about conflict has a way of making an impression on you. It heightens your senses, makes you sit up and pay attention, gets you thinking about who’s right and who’s wrong. It’s just the kind of thing you want to avoid before…

The Power of the Serenity Prayer

The Power of the Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity… Why it’s a great idea to memorize at least the first verse of the Serenity Prayer. Internalize it upon your heart and mind. It happens to every man and woman too. Sometimes you feel powerless. You feel like you’re a member of the security detail on Star Trek, the crewmembers…

Speak With Your Wallet Then Forget About It At Bedtime

Speak With Your Wallet Then Forget About It At Bedtime

It’s common to believe we should support the businesses espousing our values and avoid supporting companies that don’t. They call it “voting with your dollars” or “speaking with your wallet.” It makes sense on the surface. Sometimes other people see things differently than you do for one reason or another. This is one way of…

How To Stop Watching Porn At Bedtime

How To Stop Watching Porn At Bedtime

Stuck in a porn-watching cycle? You go to a porn website on your phone or laptop. You watch a few videos. You masturbate. You fall asleep. The next night you do it all over again. Does it seem hard to stop? Some people (usually men) feel like they need to masturbate to fall asleep. It…

Washing and Changing Bedsheets? Flip Your Mattress.

Washing and Changing Bedsheets? Flip Your Mattress.

Here’s a secret to sleeping well, saving money, and avoiding back pain. Do you change your sheets every week or so? That’s easy to remember to do. The sheets start feeling pasty and a little stiff, not soft like when they come out of the dryer. It’s natural to remember to change your sheets. When…

Social Jet Lag (Forced Synchronization) Can Be A Real Drag

Social Jet Lag (Forced Synchronization) Can Be A Real Drag

Get the jet-lagged, crummy feeling of an intercontinental airplane ride with none of the excitement and none of the bills—suffer from social jet lag! You can go far to the south or north, all the way to a different country, even another continent. Physically, you’ll feel fine. Your physical location won’t disrupt your circadian rhythm.…

Move That Mattress On The Floor Already!

Move That Mattress On The Floor Already!

Admit it. It doesn’t seem right to put your mattress on the floor. It’s dirty down there and hard to keep clean. There might be bugs. There might be all kinds of conditions on your floor. Furthermore, the floor is beyond firm; it’s hard. Way too hard. Floor sleeping doesn’t seem right. Is that true?…

A Great Bedtime Routine Will Give You Superpowers

A Great Bedtime Routine Will Give You Superpowers

Batman has superpowers. Yes, he does. His power is his mind. Also, he has all of those gadgets on his utility belt. Those gadgets are the equivalent of superpowers. He can also travel around Gotham using cables and ropes. Can you do that? You can’t. Add to that the fact that he’s a billionaire, and…

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