What’s An Easy Snack Before Bed?

What’s An Easy Snack Before Bed?

Bedtime trail mix might help you get to sleep as you hike off to Dreamland Some supermarkets have dozens of varieties of trail mix these days.  It wasn’t always this way. The creation of and access to all these concoctions is a relatively recent innovation, at least compared to how long people have been eating it.   As recent…

How and When To Use Benadryl For Sleep

How and When To Use Benadryl For Sleep

Also sold as “diphenhydramine,” this allergy medicine is used by many to help them fall asleep. Life happens.   The usual way of ensuring you get a good night’s rest should be to be active during the day, get some exposure to the sun, avoid drinking too much coffee too close to bedtime, and be relaxed.…

How To Use Brainwave Entrainment To Reach Your Goals

How To Use Brainwave Entrainment To Reach Your Goals

People are always struggling to quit something, start something, or stop something.  They even struggle to stop struggling, to relax.  The circadian rhythm is part of the struggle. Also known as the wake/rest cycle, men and women struggle to wake up and struggle to go to sleep. You can’t fight—or struggle well—if you don’t recharge. At…

Is It Good To Wear Hats While Sleeping?

Is It Good To Wear Hats While Sleeping?

In illustrations of “A Visit From St. Nicholas” by Clement Clark Moore they always show the narrator getting up out of bed with an old-fashioned sleeping hat.  The classic poem, more commonly known as “The Night Before Christmas,” frames the idea in the collective mind as to what a sleeping hat, also known as a sleeping cap, looks…

Bedtime Prayer For Better Sleep

Bedtime Prayer For Better Sleep

When going to bed, people brush their teeth. They put on some loose, comfortable clothing. They tighten their bedsheets.  It’s all part of a routine in getting ready to go to bed. Rituals like these routines help one get in the mindset for sleep success.  According to a multinational 2013 survey, 50 percent of the people…

How To Use Lavender For a Better Sleep

How To Use Lavender For a Better Sleep

When the day is trying you, try soaking in a tub with a lavender bath bomb while using lavender soap. Set your mind right, dry off, and head to bed. Some scents are more soothing than others. Lavender is one of those scents, along with roses, roman chamomile, and jasmine, that has been demonstrated in…

5 Ways Water Pillows Are Awesome

5 Ways Water Pillows Are Awesome

My wife recently returned from a trip to Mexico.  “There it is. My water pillow! I missed it!” she said, excited. There was a level of fondness there for the pillow I hadn’t heard before.  “You missed it?” I said. “What?”  At the time she said this, she had just returned home and had come into our bedroom…

Is White Noise Bad Or Good For Sleeping?

Is White Noise Bad Or Good For Sleeping?

Beauty might be in the eye of the beholder, but whether noise is “white” seems to be in the ears of the listener! Some people put a fan on to sleep. Some go out and buy a white noise machine. Others have no use for either device.   According to some people, some white noise…

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