Does Edgar Cayce Still Matter Today?

Does Edgar Cayce Still Matter Today?

Part 2 of 4  Nobody exists in a vacuum. Society influences everybody.  Consider Edgar Cayce a Western version of an Eastern yogi. He’s what a yogi would be if they were shaped by Western society.  As a Westerner, it was inevitable he come into contact with people who wanted to objectively and subjectively study his…

The Edgar Cayce Legacy: Evidence vs. Anecdote

The Edgar Cayce Legacy: Evidence vs. Anecdote

Part 1 of 4 It can be hard to date the origin of any term. I first heard the term “evidence-based practice” sometime in the late ’90s. It’s an offshoot of “evidence-based medicine,” introduced around 1992.  The idea behind it wasn’t new; the term was. Over the years, usage spread into areas tangential to healthcare. That…

Anatomy of the Mind: Just Like the Moon, The Mind Has Phases Too

Anatomy of the Mind: Just Like the Moon, The Mind Has Phases Too

Part 2 of 3  The mind and brain are separate yet together while on Earth. What this means is that they are two different things and the mind resides within the brain. There are three distinct phases to the mind’s being: instinctive; intellectual and intuitive.  • Instinctive: this phase consists of cravings, desires, and emotions like fear…

Anatomy of the Mind: The Brain and The Mind Aren’t The Same Thing

Anatomy of the Mind: The Brain and The Mind Aren’t The Same Thing

Part 1 of 3 What’s the difference between the brain and the mind?  Maybe, the better question is, is there a difference? People use the terms interchangeably.  Sleep benefits your brain. Dream journaling benefits your mind. The brain isn’t better than the mind or vice versa — not at least while you’re alive on Earth. You…

Studies Show Feng Shui Has No Effect On Sleep Quality

Studies Show Feng Shui Has No Effect On Sleep Quality

When they’re out in the field, soldiers don’t spend a lot of time thinking about the “vibe” of the area where they sleep.  Male or female, they have a cot and maybe a footlocker. Maybe they live out of a rucksack. It’s a simple, spartan existence.   Of greater concern than the vibe projected by where they sleep are the…

Studies Show Special Exercises Before Sleep Can Help Your Blood Pressure

Studies Show Special Exercises Before Sleep Can Help Your Blood Pressure

Sometimes doing an action can take the place of taking a certain medication. Positive morning affirmations can work like an antidepressant. Grounding can decrease inflammation. Chiropractors routinely prescribe exercise routines to relieve pain. Some doctors have said, “If exercise were a drug, I’d give everyone a prescription.” Sometimes what you’re doing is making a drug…

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